Rev. Dr. John L. Williams. D.Min

Position: Pastor
Phone: 843-395-2162 (C) | 843-662-3744 (P)
Rev. Dr. John L. Williams, D.Min
Rev. Dr. John L. Williams, pastor of Flat Creek Baptist church in Darlington, SC is formerly of Greenwood, SC. He has been the pastor at Flat creek since the first Sunday in June 2004.
Pastor Williams has excelled in his leadership abilities and continues to excel in his ministry. His vision for Flat Creek seeks to transform the community surrounding the church. In doing so, the church was able to take the shared resources and pool them together for completing the vision. The church established new ministries to help senior citizens with drug prescriptions, reimbursement for college students for books and supplies, and partner with Harvest Hope to feed the hungry in the community. Under the leadership of Pastor Williams the church liquidated the mortgage nine years in advance.
- Licensed to preach Aug 29, 1999 at Macedonia Baptist Church (Greenwood, SC)
- Ordained June 2004 at Pleasant Grove Baptist church in Darlington, SC
- Met and married the former Elnita Lipford at Macedonia Baptist church
- Parents are Thomas Williams and the late Martha B. Williams
- Matriculated through the public schools of Greenwood County
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina A&T
- Masters in Business Administration from Webster University
- Doctorate of Ministry (D.Min) from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio under the mentorship of Dr. H.Beecher Hicks, Jr. and Dr. Ivan D. Hicks. He was a member of the Dr. Gardner C. Taylor Scholars Group. His project dissertation in the area of Pastoral Authority and Leadership was entitled: Empowering Laity through Leadership Development.
- He is currently bi-vocational working as a senior engineer in Florence, SC.
- Past Vice-president for the St. John Baptist Association Church School
- First Vice Moderator for the Darlington County Union
- Certified District/State teacher for the SC Baptist Congress of Christian Education
- Active in the community by participating on several boards past and present
- Recipient of numerous honors, awards and citations for community service including from the SC House of Representatives
- Army Veteran Operation Desert Storm
He is married to the former Elnita Lipford of Greenwood, South Carolina.
Pastor Williams has a shepherd’s heart and leads Gods’ people through the prophetic preaching and teaching of Jesus Christ.